Okay, to put it simply - every woman knows that there are good days when we're ready to change the world, and there are those not-so-great days that ruin our mood and completely throw us off our daily routine. This bad mood can be caused by an argument with friends, misunderstandings at work, a rough day at school, or even, especially, the death of a beloved character in a TV series. At times like these, there's nothing left to do but pretend the world doesn't exist and hide in a hoodie like a nun - did you know that it was actually monks who were the first to wear hoods as part of their clothing? It wasn't until the 20th century that it lost its spiritual significance and began to be used by the rest of society - but let's get back to the present.
With those in mind who want to relax on the couch as well as those who want to climb to the top of the world faster and faster, we present our hoodies. Soft to the touch, non-fading, warm, available in countless colors, and above all, tailored to you, so you can always enjoy your hoodie. Whether at work, school, or meeting with friends, feel comfortable and ultra-feminine. We have hoodies for minimalism fans as well as those who shine like stars at every party, where reflective print hoodies won't let you get lost in the dark sleeping city. Black hoodies will work well in home office, where minimal dress code is required.
Hoodies are our flagship product, which we produce in our own sewing workshop, so we guarantee high quality, but also, and perhaps above all, we can afford to go crazy with models. Each of you has the right to like something different, so we have designed longer and shorter hoodies, or more oversized ones, so you no longer have to borrow your boyfriend's hoodie, as well as boxy hoodies and those with a jersey style with a semi-circular hem or even an asymmetrical, knitted cape, replacing a thin coat - just like that nun and more.
So don't wait any longer, it's time to choose your hoodie, which will accompany you on good and bad days, but always with style and comfort.
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